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It finally happened...

That's right...finally my dream has come true.

My first book has been published!

For all you fellow writers, whether published or unpublished, we all share the same dream. To see our name in print. For everyone to read our stories...the world we often spend years creating and perfecting.

Every single one of us can relate to the long, tedious, and often painful process this takes. For some very lucky people, they hit the jackpot quickly and become a viral sensation. And good on them! But for the majority of us, though, it can be long and drawnout. But trust pays off. It's all about patience.

I'm 38 years old. Apparently that's young to be published. I've heard a lot of other people say they spend 20 odd years submitting their stories only to get rejection after rejection , and not actually getting published until they're in the 40's or 50's, sometimes older.

You know what? Yeah, this happens but it doesn't mean it's going to happen to us. Everyone's story is different. The key is this: don't compare yourself to anyone!

We write for one reason, and one reason alone: Passion.

So let me just say this: write because you love it. Write because it's what you want to do. Publishing is a dream, and I want you all to strive for that dream, but don't worry if it takes time. Get your writing to the best you can get it, get a critique partner, beta readers...let people help you and be willing to accept feedback.

One day you'll make it.

So on that note, if you'd like to read my debut novel, Abandoned Hearts, the eBook is available now on Amazon and Smashwords. Click on any of the links below:

It'll soon be available on books2read, Barns & Noble, Apple, and Kobo, but there's a slight delay in it appearing on these platforms. My understanding is it'll be there in the next day or so.

And the best news? There's a paperback version coming!! :) Sadly there's also a delay in this appearing too, but it'll be available soon. I'll keep you informed.

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